Transitional placement facility for parolees: Corr.Dept to study; report to JCF [Sec. 9111 (3g)] [vetoed]
Youth aids daily rates revised [Sec. 3338-3342, 3902] -
Act 16
Youth aids funding [Sec. 3343-3347] -
Act 16
Youth diversion program transferred from Corr.Dept to OJA [Sec. 285, 684d-686, 853d, 856d, 857d, 3348-3351d, 9111 (1)] -
Act 16
countyCounty, see also
name of specific county
Agricultural land definition revised for property tax purposes; penalty for converting revised [Sec. 156b-e, 233ab, ad, 9144 (1m), 9344 (1m)] [156b, d, 9344 (1m) — partial veto; 156e, 9144 (1m) — vetoed] -
Act 109
Local government, Commission on, created; duties set, report required [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 109
Maximum shared revenue payments: certain counties excluded [Sec. 2287, 9344 (9m)] [9344 (9m) — partial veto]
Act 16
Renew Wisconsin pilot program and cooperation regions; performance standards provisions; LAB to report annually [Sec. 2022s, t, 9156 (1d)] [2022t — partial veto]
Act 16
Election administration services: JLC to study and prepare recommendations for consolidation [Sec. 9132 (3q)]
Act 109
Punch card voting systems eliminated; voting system transitional assistance provided; electronic voting equipment lease and sublease provisions [Sec. 2m-9y, 29p-69s, 76ab, ac, 81m, 87o-87s, 94sm-96m, 906m, n, 1994m, 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x), 9129 (1x), 9415 (2x), (2y)] [906m, 9129 (1x) — partial veto; 9101 (20x), 9115 (1x) — vetoed]
Act 16
Community aids re Alzheimer's family and caregiver support set [Sec. 1556] -
Act 16
Disabled veteran transportation services: grants to counties and determination of methods for statewide cost-effective services [Sec. 789, 1458, 1470m, p, 9157 (7e)]
Act 16
Shared revenue population adjustment: DOA to provide to DOR re shared revenue and county mandate relief payments [Sec. 9144 (2e)] -
Act 16
State mandates: political subdivisions may request waiver; DOR report required [Sec. 151] -
Act 109
Bioterrorism response and preparedness: plan and funding; provisions re staffing, public health emergencies, vaccination, disposal of human remains, and reporting deaths of public health concern [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public safety"] -
Act 109
City-county health department revisions; collective bargaining and WRS provisions [Sec. 1398w, 1563d, 2021n, 2609j, 3128pd-ps] -
Act 16
Brighter futures initiative program and tribal adolescent services: appropriations revised [Sec. 1575-1577]
Act 16
Community services deficit reduction and federal medicaid moneys [Sec. 1771-1774, 1791, 1806, 9423 (1)]
Act 16
MA eligibility administration transferred from DWD to DHFS; provisions re welfare fraud and error reduction, food stamps, and obsolete AFDC provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Medical assistance"] -
Act 16
Mental health system grant changes; community services for persons with mental illness [Sec. 1562, 1562d, 4046j] [1562 — partial veto] -
Act 16
Lottery and gaming property tax credit application process revised [Sec. 933j, 2294ec-eh, 9144 (4p), 9344 (2p)]
Act 16
Amateur radio antenna and support structures: political subdivision authority to enact or enforce an ordinance affecting -
Act 50
Cigarette and tobacco products: application for license to sell revised; unannounced investigations at retail outlets by DHFS or other governmental regulatory authority re sales to minors modified; counties and municipalities may enact ordinances prohibiting minors from purchasing or possessing; retailers to provide compliance training -
Act 75
County sales tax distribution: time limit revised [Sec. 2247b] -
Act 16
Appellate procedure rules revised, 7/1/01 - SCO
Appellate procedure rules revised re Wis.Stats chs. 808 and 809, 4/30/01 -
Appellate procedure rules revised re Wis.Stats ch. 809; Supreme Court Rule 71.04 revised re court reporters, 1/1/03
Appellate procedure rules revised; technical changes, 5/8/01
Court of appeals opinions: publication of, 12/20/01 - SCO
Court commissioner power and duties consolidated in the statutes; circuit court and supplemental court commissioners created -
Act 61
Court commissioner training appropriation created; continuing education requirements and fees [Sec. 927, 3780q] [3780q — partial veto] -
Act 16
Automated fingerprint identification system grants; provisions re penalty assessment surcharge and appropriation transfers [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Evidence"] -
Act 16
Circuit court support fee increased [Sec. 520-522, 9309 (1)]
Act 109
Consumer protection assessment revisions [Sec. 402, 2422-2427, 3834, 9304 (1)] -
Act 16
Driver improvement surcharge increased [Sec. 3444, 9352 (5)] -
Act 16
Plaintiff payment of costs of jailed defendant in certain actions: language requiring payment removed [Sec. 3836t, 3871y]
Act 16
Motor vehicle operating privilege of a juvenile: circuit or municipal court may suspend re unpaid forfeiture [Sec. 3878, 3894, 3895, 9352 (4k), 9452 (5k)] -
Act 16
Body armor: violent felony offenders prohibited from possessing; exceptions provided -
Act 95
Depiction of nudity without subject's consent: prohibition against making, possessing, distributing, or exhibiting revised; civil cause of action provision -
Act 33
D.N.A. evidence: time limit for prosecuting sexual assault crimes, challenges of certain convictions or delinquency adjudications, and discovery rules revised; standards for courts to order testing of established; preservation of biological specimen evidence provision [Sec. 676r, 2858c-k, 3780c, d, 3828c, k, L, 3829d-p, 3889p, r, 3908g, 3984j, p, 3998c-n, 4002r-v, 4003r, t, 4028c-j, 4031c, e, s, 4034ys, 9359 (12c)] [4028j — partial veto; 676r — vetoed]
Act 16
Domestic violence laws revised and expanded, includes provisions re caregivers, confidentiality, advocate-victim privilege, and injunctions [Sec. 274m, 514c-s, 519mb-mz, 523c-m, 657b-661b, 874x, 875b, 877g, 9309 (2zy), (2zz)]
Act 109
Receivership for residential property declared public nuisance in cities, towns, and villages; 1st and 2nd class cities provision; landlord or receiver prohibitions; redemption revised
Act 86
Rules of civil procedure revised re filing papers by facsimile transmission, 7/1/01 - SCO
Appellate procedure rules revised re Wis.Stats ch. 809; Supreme Court Rule 71.04 revised re court reporters, 1/1/03
Court reporter transcript fees [Sec. 3780g, 3836r, s, 9309 (6c)]
Act 16
DNR regions: Crawford and Vernon counties required to be in western region, if DNR divides state into management regions [Sec. 1042i] [vetoed] -
Credit card information on receipts: nondisclosure required [Sec. 313g] -
Act 109
Airbag previously deployed or otherwise nonfunctional: installation of or concealing prohibited
Act 28
Bioterrorism response and preparedness: plan and funding; provisions re staffing, public health emergencies, vaccination, disposal of human remains, and reporting deaths of public health concern [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public safety"] -
Act 109
Computerized communication system use to facilitate a child sex crime: crime created [Sec. 149f, 338t, 378p, 379v, 531b, 559v, 566d, f, 582p, 886f, 904m, n, 910v, 1108d, 1131m, 1134f, 1138k, n] -
Act 109
Crime prevention resource center established at the Fox Valley Technical College by the Wisconsin Crime Prevention Practitioners Association; funding provision [Sec. 1375r, 9101 (22w)] [vetoed] -
Farm-raised fish theft: crime created -
Act 91
Harassment restraining order: court may order harasser to avoid place where victim resides [Sec. 3830d-j, 9309 (5mk)]
Act 16
Livestock or wild deer: threatening to infect animals or introducing a contagious or infectious disease through reckless conduct prohibited; exception and DATCP provisions [Sec. 535m, 810g-n, 812m-v] -
Act 109
Misdemeanor diversion program to be developed by Public defender board, Director of state courts, and Wisconsin District Attorneys Association; passive review by JCF; community justice center grants [Sec. 9101 (13), (21j), 9139 (1)] [9101 (21j) — vetoed] -
Act 16
Security initiative re terrorism response training, statewide trauma care system, diseases and biological and chemical threats, and Hygiene laboratory duties [Sec. 14d, 94, 326-329, 330-333, 334, 334g, 339, 340, 623, 696, 9223 (1), 9229 (1k), 9323 (1), 9359 (6)] -
Act 109
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